Tanglewood Natives Nursery is a sole owner retail business that produces tubestock trees, shrubs, vines, herbs and grasses which are native to the Lockyer Valley region, SE Queensland. Many of the plants also naturally occur within the Brisbane, Ipswich and Toowoomba regions. I can supply species for urban yards and for acreage, including suitable plants for bush revegetation and biodiversity projects. All plants are grown in 50mm tubes, 90mm pots or 100mm pots. Production is from seed collected within the locale – no hybrids or cultivars. The stock range which is generally around 120 species is continually expanding as more seed sources are discovered. A handful of species which are difficult to grow from seed are propagated by cuttings or offsets.

50mm tubes 90mm pots
All of the plants grown fulfil a role within their ecosystem, whether it be as habitat, soil stabilisation, a safe resting place for fauna, or as a food source. The aim of the nursery is to increase the native vegetation of the Lockyer Valley, which is greatly depleted of it’s endemic flora species. On my property it has been a great joy to watch the day-to-day activity of the local native wildlife, and to see the numbers increase over time, particularly in areas which have been cleared of weeds and replaced with native species.
Please Note: Don’t assume that there is a plentiful supply of all species year round. It just doesn’t work that way. Many seeds won’t germinate during the winter months, and even if they do, growth is slow. Some seeds germinate within a month, while others may take up to a year. I try to grow a wide range with a particular focus on dry rainforest species as well as uncommon, endangered or rare plants. Relying on locally collected seeds means that sometimes numbers are low, so if you see something listed that you are after, grab it asap!
Prices are stated in the stock availability. Those prices are increased when I have a stall at a large event, as higher stall costs, insurance, petrol and wages must be included.
“Quality plants, very happy with them all.” – Chris (Lockyer Valley)
” .…. we were really pleased with the plants we bought. They were all very healthy and at the right stage for rapid growth when planted. Your nursery is really impressive, especially considering the difficulties you must have with water supply. Please consider this as high praise, as it’s coming from someone who has run a nursery- I know how much work goes into producing good quality, interesting plants, especially when they are not well known in cultivation. I will certainly be recommending you to planters I know in southeast Queensland. Anyone visiting your nursery will see the trip as well worth while “ – Scott (Northern NSW)
“It is so wonderful that there is a nursery with an interest in plants that are native to the local area. It helps us to do revegetation that actually suits here which in turn helps the local creatures. Karen is a wealth of knowledge.” – Ali (Lockyer Valley)
“….. I purchased some plants off you about 12 months ago. Some irbyana, Bursaria, wattles, they’re all powering along, thank you.” – Jeff (Boonah)
“The last plants that we purchased are doing amazing, I have never seen tube stock respond so fast and be so happy. Thank you!” – Mitch from Minden
How to buy my plants
Place an Order
Tanglewood Natives can grow large or small numbers of specific species. All you need to do is contact me and place an order. For large orders, I will require at least three months notice to allow for germination and growing time. Being a small operation, I am not set up for mail order, but obtaining your plants can occur in any of the following five collection points:
Toowoomba (Mort St exit, off the Toowoomba bypass)
Charlton (Ampol petrol station carpark)
Mulgowie Markets (first Saturday of each month between 8am and 11am)
Gatton (Lake Apex carpark) – $10.00 delivery fee
Community Markets
Tanglewood Natives has a stall at Mulgowie Markets on the first Saturday of each month. See the Next Event listings for the upcoming market dates. If there are plants that you are after, contact me via phone or email, and I can bring them to the markets for you.
In order to keep stock prices low, I’m always after second hand empty native tubes to reuse. If you have any that you don’t want, (native tubes only – no other pots), please bring them to Mulgowie Markets or with you when you collect your plants. I’m also after 2 litre and 4 litre plastic ice cream or yoghurt containers to put plants into.
Karen Melissa (owner/manager)