Stock Availability – Herbaceous Plants

Actinotis helianthi

Flannel Flower

Perennial herb to 60cm with furry silver foliage and masses of white daisy flowers during the warmer months. Grows in well drained rocky soils and can be grown in a large pot in full sun or light shade.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Afrohybanthus stellarioides

Spade Flower

Perennial herb to 50cm with orange spade-shaped flowers during the warmer months.  Can be grown in a pot or hanging basket.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Dianella caerulea

Blue Flax Lily

Clumping strap-leaved plant to 1m with spikes of blue flowers and bright blue berries that rise above the foliage.  Full sun to part shade.  Excellent frog habitat.  Looks effective as a mass planting.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Dianella longifolia

Smooth Flax Lily

Tall upright strap-leaved plant to 1m in well drained soils.  The upright, sturdy foliage is blue/grey coloured with spikes of vivid blue flowers and berries.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Dianella rara

Rare Flax Lily

Tufted plant to 80cm. fine blue/grey foliage with maroon colouring at the base. Tall blue flower spikes. Full sun to part shade and tolerates dry conditions. Uncommon in the wild

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Dianella revoluta

Rare Flax Lily

A tough, clumping plant to 1m with strap leaves coloured red at the base.  Spikes of blue flowers are followed by blue fruit.  A good understorey and frog habitat plant in part shade.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Doryanthes palmeri

Spear Lily

Large clumping lily to 3m with a tall, red-flowering spike. Grows in rocky slopes and along cliffsides.

In stock

90mm pots at $8.00 each

Eremophila debilis

Winter Apple

Mat-forming ground cover to a 1.5m spread with edible fruit. Protect from frost

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Goodenia hederacea

Silver-leaved Goodenia

A hardy ground cover to 80cm with yellow flowers throughout the year. Tolerates a range of soils. Looks great in a hanging basket. Can grow in part shade.

In stock, four only

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Lomandra filiformis

Wattle Mat Rush

A clumping fine strappy-leaved perennial to 50cm with fine, blue-green foliage and cream/yellow wattle-like flower spikes in spring.  Found in dry areas and grows in clay to sandy soils.

One left!

90mm pots at $8.00 each

Lomandra hystrix

Creek Mat Rush

Clumping strap-leaved plant to 1m x 1m.  Ideal for borders or erosion control on creek banks or slopes.  Fragrant yellow flower spikes.  Very hardy.  Frog habitat around ponds and dams.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each, or 3 for $10.00

Mirbelia speciosa subsp. ringrosei

Showy Mirbelia

Erect plant to 50cm with whorled leaves and purple pea flowers along the stem. Grows in sandstone soils including Helidon Hills. Can be grown in a pot.

In stock

50mm pots at $4.00 each

Murdannia graminea

Grass Lily

A grass-like perennial wildflower to 40cm with purple three-lobed flowers during spring/summer.  Grows well in pots or as a low border plant in full sun to light shade.

Ready in October

90mm pots at $8.00 each

Peperomia blanda var. floribunda


Succulent-like herb to 30cm in part shade, often growing on boulders and rocky outcrops with ferns.  Makes a great indoor or shade pot plant.  Cream coloured flower spikes occur in summer.

In stock

50mm tubes at $8.00 each

Proiphys cunninghamii

Brisbane Lily

Attractive slow growing rainforest lily with clusters of white flowers in summer

Ready in October

90mm pots at $8.00 each, 175mm pots at $12.00 each

Photo by Martin Bennett

Rhodanthe anthemoides

Chamomile Sunray

Perennial to 30 cm with blue-green foliage and white daisy flowers for many months of the year. Grows in full sun to part shade in well drained soils

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Swainsona brachycarpa

Purple Darling Pea

Sprawling herb to 60cm with purple pea flower spikes. Could be grown in a hanging basket.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Swainsona queenslandica

Darling Pea – pink- flowering form

Sprawling herb to 60cm with purple pink pea flowers. Prefers a sunny, well drained position.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Viola perenniformis

Helidon Hills Violet

Fast growing groundcover for moist, semi shaded areas.  Can be grown in pots or hanging baskets.  Pink/purple flowers appear most of the year.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Xerochrysum bracteatum

Paper Daisy

Herbaceous perennial to 60cm in sunny well drained sites.  Large golden yellow daisy flowers occur through spring and summer.

Ready in November

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Other (non-local) native species available:

Calotis scapigera – in stock