Frost tolerant plants of the Lockyer Valley
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Acacia harpophylla | Brigalow |
Acacia salicina | Sally Wattle |
Alectryon connatus | Grey Bird’s Eye |
Alectryon diversifolius | Scrub Boonaree |
Allocasuarina littoralis | Black She-oak |
Allocasuarina torulosa | Forest She-oak |
Alstonia constricta | Bitterbark |
Angophora floribunda | Common Applegum |
Angophora subvelutina | Broad-leafed Applegum |
Araucaria cunninghamii | Hoop Pine |
Auranticarpa rhombifolia | Diamond-leaved Pittosporum |
Brachychiton australis | Flame Tree |
Brachychiton discolor | Lacebark |
Brachychiton populneus | Kurrajong |
Brachychiton rupestris | Bottle Tree |
Callistemon viminalis | Weeping Bottlebrush |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean |
Casuarina cristata | Belah |
Corymbia intermedia | Pink Bloodwood |
Corymbia tessellaris | Moreton Bay Ash |
Ehretia acuminata | Koda |
Eucalyptus conica | Fuzzy Box |
Eucalyptus melanophloia | Silver-leaved Ironbark |
Eucalyptus microcorys | Tallowwood |
Eucalyptus siderophloia | Grey Ironbark |
Eucalyptus tereticornis | Qld. Blue Gum |
Euroschinus falcata | Ribbonwood |
Ficus rubiginosa | Scrub Fig |
Ficus virens | White Fig |
Flindersia australis | Crows Ash |
Flindersia xanthoxyla | Long Jack |
Grevillea robusta | Silky Oak |
Lophostemon confertus | Brush Box |
Melia azedarach | White Cedar |
Toona ciliata | Red Cedar |
Vitex lignum-vitae | Satinwood |
Plants for clay soils in the Lockyer Valley
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Acacia fimbriata | Fringed Wattle |
Acacia melanoxylon | Black Wattle |
Acacia salicifolia | Sally Wattle |
Alectryon diversifolius | Scrub Boonaree |
Allocasuarina littoralis | Black She-oak |
Araucaria cunninghamii | Hoop Pine |
Brachychiton species | Brachychiton |
Breynia oblongifolia | Coffee Bush |
Bursaria spinosa | Blackthorn |
Capparis arborea | Native Caper |
Castanospermum australe | Black Bean |
Casuarina species | Casuarina |
Corymbia citriodora | Lemon-scented Gum |
Corymbia tessellaris | Moreton Bay Ash |
Dianella species | Flax Lily |
Eucalyptus tereticornis | Forest Red Gum |
Ficus coronata | Creek Sandpaper Fig |
Ficus virens | White Fig |
Flindersia australis | Crow’s Ash |
Hymenosporum flavum | Native Frangipani |
Juncus usitatus | Common Rush |
Leptospermum polygalifolium | Tantoon |
Lomandra hystrix | Creek Mat Rush |
Lomandra longifolia | Mat Rush |
Lophostemon confertus | Brush Box |
Lophostemon suaveolens | Swamp Box |
Mallotus claoxylloides | Green Kamala |
Melaleuca species | Melaleuca |
Melia azedarach | White Cedar |
Pandorea pandorana | Wonga Wonga Vine |
Pipturus argenteus | Native Mulberry |
Pittosporum angustifolium | Gumbi Gumbi |
Rhodosphaera rhodanthema | Deep Yellowwood |
Sophora fraseri | Brush Sophora |
Sterculia quadrifida | Peanut Tree |
Toona ciliata | Red Cedar |
Plants for sandy soils in the Lockyer Valley
Botanical Name | Common Name |
Acacia concurrens | Curracabah |
Acacia hispidula | Rough Hairy Wattle |
Acacia juncifolia | Rush Wattle |
Acacia podaliriifolia | Silver Wattle |
Acacia ulicifolia | Prickly Moses |
Allocasuarina inophloia | Stringybark She-oak |
Alphitonia excelsa | Red Ash |
Angophora woodsiana | Smudgee |
Banksia spinosa var. collina | Hairpin Banksia |
Cassinia spp. | Cough Bush |
Daviesia ulicifolia | Spiny-leaved Bitter Pea |
Daviesia villifera | Short-leaved Bitter Pea |
Dodonaea stenophylla | Narrow-leaved Hop Bush |
Evolvulus alsinoides | Dwarf Morning Glory |
Goodenia bellidifolia subsp. argentea | Daisy Goodenia |
Hakea benthamii | Vein-leafed Hakea |
Hakea florulenta | Wallum Hakea |
Hardenbergia violacea | Native Sarsparilla |
Hibiscus sturtii | Little Hibiscus |
Indigofera australis | Native Indigo |
Jacksonia scoparia | Dogwood |
Laxmannia gracilis | Wire Lily |
Leptospermum polygalifolium | Tantoon |
Lomatia silaifolia | Crinklebush |
Lophostemon confertus | Brush Box |
Notelaea microcrapa | Native Olive |
Ozothamnus diosmifolius | Sago Flower |
Patersonia sericea | Native Iris |
Petalostigma pachyphyllum | Thick-leaved Quinine Bush |
Petrophile canescens | Cone Sticks |
Pultenaea euchila | Orange Pultenaea |
Rhagodia parabolica and R. spinescens | Saltbush |
Smilax australis | Barbed-wire Vine |
Stylidium graminifolium | Trigger Plant |
Thysanotus tuberosus | Purple Fringe Lily |
Trachymene incisa subsp. incisa | Lace Flower |
Westringia eremicola | Slender Westringia |