Stock Availability – Shrubs

Breynia oblongifolia

Coffee Bush

To 3m with small white flowers then green fruit which hang underneath the foliage turning red to black. Host plant to the Large Grass-yellow butterfly. Attracts small birds.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Daviesia ulicifolia

Spiny-leaved Bitter Pea

An open sprawling shrub to 2m in sandstone soils.  Small yellow pea flowers occur in spring.  The flowers attract bees and butterflies.

Ready in late October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Daviesia villifera

Prickly Bitter Pea

A dense shrub to 2m on sandstone soils.  Yellow pea flowers occur from winter to spring.  They attract bees and butterflies.  Pretty pink pods follow. 

Ready in late October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Daviesia wyattiana

Long-leaved Bitter Pea

Open, weeping shrub to 3m with yellow pea flowers during spring/summer.  Grows in full sun to light shade in sandy or well drained soils, gravelly slopes and ridges.

Ready in late October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Dodonaea triangularis

Duck’s Foot

A bushy shrub to 2m, often less, on stony, well drained soils with leaves shaped like a duck’s foot, and small green pods.  Can be grown in urban gardens.  Full sun to part shade

One left!

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Grevillea quadricauda

Helidon Hills Grevillea

An uncommon shrub to 2m in well drained soils, including Helidon Hills and Crow’s Nest.  Full sun to partial shade.  single pink/red flowers occur during the warmer months.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $5.00 each

Hibbertia linearis subsp. obtusifolia

Showy Guinea Flower

A woodlands shrub to 60cm with bright yellow flowers throughout the year. Full sun to light shade.

Ready in October, three only

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Indigofera australis

Showy Guinea Flower

Shrub to 1.5m in full sun on well drained soils.  Spikes of pink flowers in spring that provide nectar for pollinators.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Jacksonia scoparia


Hardy shrub to 3m with weeping scale-like silver/grey foliage and yellow pea flowers that attract butterflies.  Tolerant of some frost and thrives on poor soils.

Three left!

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Photo by Martin Bennett

Leptospermum polygalifolium


Shrub to 3m with masses of small white flowers which are irresistible to bees and other pollinators.  Very attractive as a forest understorey plant or as a garden plant.  Tolerant of a range of soil types.  The seed from the woody capsules will feed birds.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Maireana decalvans

Black Cotton Bush

An uncommon shrub from 50cm to 1m tall with blue/grey succulent-like foliage, tiny flowers and pink/red disc shaped fruit.  Grows on heavy clay soils

Two left!

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Ozothamnus diosmifolius

Sago Bush

Drought hardy and very pretty shrub to 2m with masses of sago-like white to pink flowers in spring.  Grows best in full sun.  Attracts bees and other pollinators.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Pavetta australiensis

Butterfly Bush

Very pretty dry rainforest shrub to 4m.  The showy clusters of white flowers attract butterflies and other pollinators.  Full sun to part shade.  Protect from strong winds and frost.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Petrophile canescens


To 1.5m in rocky areas in sandy soils. Flowers attract pollinators. Produces woody cones with fluffy seeds.

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Pittosporum revolutum

Brisbane Laurel

Shrub from 2 to 3m with green glossy leaves and small yellow fragrant flowers.  The yellow wrinkly fruit open to reveal red sticky seeds.  Attractive to bees and birds.  Tolerates light frost and clay, loam or sandy soils.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Pittosporum viscidum

Birds Nest Bush

Spiny, dense shrub to 3m with small yellow flowers followed by green fruit which ripen to brown/black.  An ideal shrub for birds to nest and take shelter in. 

Ready in October

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Prostanthera parvifolia

Small-leaved Mint Bush

Shrub to 1.5m on well drained, rocky soils and ridges. Highly fragrant foliage. Purple flowers occur in the warmer months.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Santalum obtusifolium


Shrub to 2m often along creek banks in eucalypt forest. It is semi-parasitic on the roots of other plants. Purple/blue edible fruit is formed after flowering.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Sophora fraseri

Brush Sophora

Attractive understorey species to 2m. Spikes of bright yellow flowers followed by brown pods. Conservation status is (V) vulnerable

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Swainsona fraseri

Scrub Darling Pea

Scrambling shrub to 2m with spikes of mauve/white pea flowers followed by large pods. Grows in well drained soils in full sun to part shade.

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Teucrium junceum

Square-stemmed Broom

A tough, virtually leafless shrub to 80cm with small white flowers and orange/red berries throughout the year. Full sun to part shade

In stock

50mm tubes at $4.00 each

Westringia eremicola

Slender Westringia

Shrub to 1m that grows in well drained sandy, rocky soils, e.g. Helidon Hills.  The small mauve flowers occur for many months.  Drought hardy and can be hedged or pruned to shape.

Two left!

50mm tubes at $4.00 each